

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Quran sayings: Navigation of teacher, parent and children

How to guide young generation?
It is necessary for the teacher to act according to Islamic norms and must have unconditional faith in Allah and their sayings. They must take noble traits to get an understanding in their mind By the Allah. They must have to follow the path Guided be Allah and offer their activities according to Allah’s sake. The objective of their life is to guide the young Islamic generation to the path of Allah. They do not need to think for the special position or to become rich only dedicated towards their objective with their full efforts. Teachers should have the knowledge of the current affairs and also about hereafter. Their knowledge must be serviceable, and they need to avoid disputable and useless part from the content they have. They need to maintain their body clean and practices themselves for other necessary routine activities as nail clipping.

What to do at teaching?
Teachers should include exceptions, practical examples, diagrams, figures and unchanging rules to make their teaching material more interesting and give assignments to enhance their skills. They should measure the level of students and give special attention by repeating the lesson or any other way and teach students according to their mental level. There is no need to cheat them if they do not know answers of the question raised by the student, just confess in front of them ant teach later after knowing. They should ask to the absent student about the reason and appraise the present students. If the student makes mistakes then place of hurting, forgive them and attract them towards their faults and give confession method to overcome from the mistakes. Teachers guard them against harm and discipline them with their deeds and accounts.

How to test?
Teachers must be treating their student accurately and monitor all the activities and movements this I the major responsibility of the teacher. They should appropriate students before mates and reward hard working students. They must guide the students at the time of selecting and changing the subject and ensure that this should be based on their tendency to lead them in correct direction under the supervision of the teacher. Teachers should not take decisions on the basis of partiality and treat every pupil equally. According to Quran, teachers should not fix the time limit to learn anything by the student but after a specific time period must take the feedback from the student to test their memory. They should not finish the lessons till it is not completely understandable and acceptable by the student. They should not inadequately reduce or raise their voice at the time of teaching. If students are hungry or anger or they are ill then teachers should not teach them because this may become harmful situation for both. Teacher should not discuss the issues which were not suited with age and mind of students and do not force mentally disabled students rather treat them with love and special care and do not test them without teaching.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Some of the Magnificent Characteristics of the Quran

Allah has described the Noble Quran with a number of magnificent characteristics of which Ibn Qudamah mentioned eight in points. They are as follows:

That it is clear (mubin) and makes clear the laws and reports which it contains.

That it is Allah's firm rope (Hablullah), that is, it is the solid contract which Allah made a reason for reaching Himself and the attainment of success by His Grace.

That it consists of distinct chapters (muhkamat), each distinct from the other, perfected and preserved from any flaws or contradictions.

 That it consists of clear verses (ayat bayyinat) which are clear and obvious signs indicating Allah's unique unity, the perfection of His attributes, and the goodness of His laws.

That it contains clear and obscure verses (ayat muhkamat wa mutashabihat); the clear being that whose meaning is clear and the obscure being those whose meaning is hidden. And this does not contradict point number three above because the clarity there refers to perfection and protection from flaws and contradiction, while here it refers to clarity of meaning. If the obscure is referred back to the clear, all of it will become clear.

That it is the truth (haqq) that cannot be affected by falsehood from any direction.

That it is free from its description by the disbelievers as being poetry, magic or human speech.

That it is a miracle that no one can imitate even with the help of others

Friday, September 5, 2014

Surah Al Kahf Importance

Surah Kahf is the 18th surah of the Quran. It is named Suratul Kahf because of the miraculous divine story of the Companions of the Cave. 
Among the three stories mentioned in this Surah, the first story is of 'As-haabul Kahf, a story about several believing youths who flea their country for the sake of their religion and take refuge in a mountain cave, then remain there asleep for 309 years. Then Allah reawakens them after this lengthy period. The second story is the story of the Prophet Musa ~ ~ with Al-Khidr. The third story is of "Dhul Qarnain".
Each of these stories and examples are meant to be taken as a lesson or moral as well as points for reflection. So please read this blessed surah every Friday and understand the translation of it. 

Hazrat Aisha (r.a) narrates Whoever reads the Qur'an and is well versed in it will be in the company of the angels who are all noble and righteous,and the one who recites and falters in it (yet he recites it) will recieve a two fold reward. - Bukhari-Muslim 

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said Whoever recites Surah Kahf on the day of Jummah, there will be a Nur brightened for him between two Jummahs. 

Also when the prophet was asked about the Djal the prophet responded by saying Whoever memorizes the first ten ayahs of Surah Kahf will be saved from the Dajjal. (Sahih Muslim) 

Also the prophet said the one who recites Surah al-Kahf will die a martyr and will be raised with the martyrs on the Day of Judgement along the side of the Holy Prophet Muhameed(pbuh). 

Also the Holy Prophet mentioned Recitation of is good for making a person wake up at a particular time and he also said the benefits of reciting Surah al-Kahf is that all sins of the past week are forgiven. 

Also Abu Saeed Al Khudari said that the Messenger of Allah ~ ~ said, "Whoever reads Suratul Kahf has a light for him from "maqaamahu" his place (where he is standing) to Makkah; and whoever reads 10 ayat from the end of it (the last 10 ayat) when the Dajjal comes out, he will not be harmed by him. 

Also Al-Bara’ reported: A man was reciting Surat al-Kahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man, and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping (as if it were afraid of something) When it was morning, the man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and told him of that experience. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “That was al-Sakinah (tranquility) which descended because of (the recitation of) the Qur’an” (Bukhari and Muslim) 

Also another story of how the surah was revealed was that The Quraysh sent two men to the rabbis of Medina, reasoning that they had superior knowledge of the scriptures and about the prophets of God. The two Quraysh men described their tribesman, Muhammad, to the rabbis. The rabbis told the men to ask Muhammad three questions: 

They said, "Ask him about three things which we will tell you to ask, and if he answers them then he is a Prophet who has been sent; if he does not, then he is saying things that are not true, in which case how you will deal with him will be up to you. Ask him about some young men in ancient times, what was their story For theirs is a strange and wondrous tale. Ask him about a man who travelled a great deal and reached the east and the west of the earth. What was his story And ask him about the Ruh (soul or spirit) -- what is it? If he tells you about these things, then he is a Prophet, so follow him, but if he does not tell you, then he is a man who is making things up, so deal with him as you see fit." 

The famous story goes that when Muhammad pbuh was informed of the three questions from the rabbis, he said that he would have the answers in the morning but did not say "if God wills it". For fifteen days, Muhammad awaited eagerly for the revelation. Muhammad did not answer the question until then. Doubt in Muhammad began to grow amongst the people of Mecca. Then, after fifteen days, Muhammad received the revelation of al-Kahf as an answer to the questions. So again please read surah al-Kahf every FRIDAY by doing this Allah swt will save you from the Djal and forgive your sins from the past! Inshallah 

Some important verses from Surah Kahf 

: And say not of anything: Lo! I shall do that tomorrow, 

: Except if Allah wills it. And remember thy Lord when thou forgettest, and say: It may be that my Lord guideth me unto a nearer way of truth than this. 

: Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it): for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on! 

: Say: "Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds? 

: "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?" 

: They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight. 

: That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest. 

: Say(O Muhamad): If the oceans were ink for the words of my Lord, they would be empty before the words of my Lord, even if we had other oceans like it! 

: Say(O Muhamad): I am a human like you, except that it has been revealed to me that your Lord is one. So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to Easily Memorize Quran – Tips & Techniques

Quran is the Holy book of Muslims. It was descended upon the Last Prophet, Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) more than 1400 years ago. The Holy Quran is the authentic word from Allah and it has preserved its form to date. Allah Himself has taken the responsibility of keeping the divine book safe and protected.
Surah e Al Hijr 15_9
Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.” – [Al Hijr 15:9]
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) emphasized on reading the Quran daily. It is a form of guidance for all the mankind and its generations to come till the Day of Judgment. The Quran contains the word from Allah. It shares all the information that is required to become a true believer. Allah addresses the matters of Deen, Dunya and Akhirah in the Holy Quran. Therefore, if you have knowledge from the Quran, you don’t need to refer to any other book to solve your issues.
Only the recitation of one alphabet from Quran carries reward equal to 10 hasanah, then imagine the reward for the person who recites and remembers the whole Quran. A Hafiz-e-Quran bears within his heart light of purity and his mind is always busy with reflecting on Allah’s words. This makes him a truly practicing Muslim and increases his status in eyes of Allah.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Guided Notes for “The Book of Allah and Its Magnificent Status”

Click here for Resources to learn Quran with Tajweed: 

A few resources I made up for our study of this book:
Basic guided notes (student fills in the blanks), I made for my younger kids (ages 9 and up)
This version has an answer key.
A bit more advanced notes I made for my high schooler:
Didn’t finish the answer key on this one yet…….
If you need the book, you can get it here:
I really liked enjoyed studying this book and so wanted to share it with the kids. It is nicely organized into sections, making it easier to study in sha Allah. 
(Either set of guided notes is probably great for adults too!)

Click here for Resources to learn Quran with Tajweed: 


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

10 Reasons to Learn 10 Verses of Surah Kahaf

Why learn Surah Kahaf’s first 10 verses?                         Gateway to Quran

1) Because Prophet (saws) asked us to

He only asked us to do what he did himself. So consider it as a sunnah as well (not just the way of prophet (saw) but of so many companions, successors and so on).
I have never come across memorization of any specific surah/ayaat except for this.
“If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal.” [Muslim]
Though memorization of some surahs is just plain obvious (like Surah Fatiha for the validation of your prayer), but Surah Kahaf’s memorization has been specifically talked about.
Since Prophet (saws) was so concerned about us (as mentioned in the sixth verse), following his advice is the least we can do.

2) Because memorization is important

Most of us think of memorization as an extra deed, but the following hadith clarifies how hollow your soul is when you have nothing of the Quran in your heart.
He who does not memorize any part from the Qur’an he is like the ruined house. [At-Tirmidhi]

Friday, August 8, 2014

Surahs for Depression

by Raiiq Ridwan                                                               Gateway to Quran
Life is never a bed of roses. We suffer from heartbreak, pain, and calamity, any of which might drive us to depression. However, at times depression can just be there for no specific reason at all, and when this happens it is imperative that we seek help for it. Allah subhana wa ta’ala has revealed the Quran as a guide for mankind till the end of time, giving us a guide to help us through depression. Some surahs of the Quran are valuable reading during depression and anxiety, as their meanings and messages can help alleviate depression, inshaa Allah.
Surah Duha
There have been multiple articles on about Surah Duha, Surah 93, ma sha Allah. Allah subhana wa ta’ala revealed it at a time when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was depressed, to soothe him. For the man who suffered the most in this world, it was something very soothing. The Surah reminds the prophet of the blessings that Allah has opened for him and asks him to help the poor and the needy and to make mention of the blessings of Allah upon him.
Surah Inshirah
Along with Surah Duha, Allah also revealed Surah Inshirah, Surah 94, in the Quran. Allah tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam about how Allah had eased the pain that the prophet felt internally by revealing to him the Quran. Allah mentions how He will raise the mention of His prophet around the world, and today every second somewhere on earth the adhaan is going on and someone somewhere is saying Ashadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah. Allah also mentions that both before hardship and after hardship is ease. Then He instructs the prophet to pray to His Lord after he is done with his duties to the people.
Surah Yusuf
Among the early surahs revealed to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was Surah Yusuf. This is a unique surah in the Quran in that most of it relates just the story of one prophet of Allah, Yusuf. Countless lessons can be derived from this surah and a lot of it has to do with dealing with hardship— how Yaqub alayhi salam and Yusuf alayhi salam dealt with pain and suffering in this world and how Allah elevated both of them due to their patience. This was also a surahrevealed to the prophet to console him, and this should work brilliantly for us too!
Surah Isra, Kahf, Maryam, Taha, Anbiya
The eminent companion of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Abdullah ibn Mas’ood radi Allahu anhu said concerning these surahs (Surahs 17, 18, 19, 20, 21), “They were among the first chapters to be revealed and they are my treasures.” [1] Imam al-Bayhaqi mentions about this narration, “He was referring to the superiority of these surahs because of what they contain of stories of the Prophets alayhimussalam and the nations. And they were among the first surahs to be revealed at the beginning of Islam, because they are Makkan surahs, and they were among the first parts of the Quran to be recited and memorized.” All of these Surahs contain lots of stories of the prophets, of the nations of old, and of Bani Israeel in particular. All of these stories help with depression and anxiety and help us feel the power and majesty of Allah.
Surah Rahman
Surah Rahman probably has the most vivid imagery of both Paradise and Hellfire. It also tells us of so many blessings of Allah that are mentioned within it. It is a surah that is soothing to the ears, calming on the heart, and food for the soul. With its beautiful imagery, description of Paradise, and a mention of the blessings of our Lord, it can take us out of depression.
Surah Nas
A lot of times depression has a lot to do with low self-esteem and self-doubt. A lot of it is exaggerated by the whisperings of Shaytan who has sworn to deviate every last human being he can on planet Earth. However, Allah is The Most Merciful and among the surahs he has revealed to combat the whispers of Shaytan is Surah Nas. Reciting it often can help in removing doubts and whisperings and is a surah which brings protection from Allah.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Beginning of Revelation.

Resources to Learn Quran with Tajweed:

The revelation of the Qur'an began in the laila al-qadr of Ramadan (one of the odd nights after the 21st till end Ramadan) after the Prophet Muhammad had passed the fortieth year of his life (that is around the year 610), during his seclusion in the cave of Hira' on a mountain near Makka.

Bukharis Account [English translations of ahadith are, unless otherwise indicated, from Khan, Muhammad Muhsin: The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih al-Bukhari, 9 vols., Istanbul, 1978 (abbr. as Bukhari) and Siddiqui, Abdul Hamid: Sahih Muslim, 4 vols., Lahore, 1978 (abbr. as Muslim).]

This is the account, as reported in the Sahih of Bukhari:
Narrated Aisha the mother of the faithful believers: The commencement of the divine inspiration to Allah's apostle was in the form of good dreams which came like bright daylight (i.e. true) and then the love of seclusion was bestowed upon him.
He used to go in seclusion in the Cave of Hira', where he used to worship (Allah alone) continuously for many days before his desire to see his family. He used to take with him food for the stay and then come back to (his wife) Khadija to take his food likewise again, till suddenly the truth descended upon him while he was in the Cave of Hira'.
The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied 'I do not know how to read'. The Prophet added, 'The angel caught me (forcibly) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, "I do not know how to read". Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read, but again I replied, "I do not know how to read" (or what shall I read?). Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said: "Read, in the name of Your Lord, who created, created man from a clot. Read! And Your Lord is the most bountiful" ... [Bukhari, I, No. 3; VI, No. 478; Muslim I, No. 301.]
The narration goes on to tell us that the Prophet went back to his wife Khadija and recounted to her his dreadful experience. She comforted him and both of them consulted Waraqa, Khadlja's relative and a learned Christian, about it. Waraqa told Muhammad that he had encountered the one 'whom Allah had sent to Moses' and that he would be driven out by his people

Revelation Order of the Qur'an

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The Qur'an was sometimes revealed to respond to various events and incidents. Sometimes it was revealed to support the Prophet (saws) who was faced with many questions, whether by Muslims or non-Muslims, and hardships. Other times was revealed for legislation and for putting rules to govern the social, economical, and political life of Muslims.
The first verses to be revealed, according to the most correct opinion of scholars, are the first five verses of Surat Al-`Alaq, which happens to be Chapter 96 of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an.
Order of Verses
Muslim scholars agree that the order of the verses in every chapter was done or commanded by the Prophet (saws) himself following the commands of Almighty Allah.
The Prophet (saws) once told his Companions after he had received a certain revelation that the arch-angel Gabriel had specified for him the particular order of verses (Ahmad).
There are also many incidents narrated in the books of Sunnah regarding the Prophet's (saws) recitation during prayer. The Companions used to pray every day behind the Prophet (saws) and he used to recite the Qur'an in the order given to him by Allah, and they used to learn and memorize from his recitation.
There have never been any incident in which any of the Companions reciting in any order that violated the order of the verses showed to us by the Prophet (saws).
Order of Surahs
As for the order of the surahs (chapters), the most accepted view is that it was also applied following an instruction given by Almighty Allah. It has been recorded that the Prophet (saws) reviewed the Qur'an with the arch-angel Gabriel 24 times all within his life.
Every year, he used to review it once during the month of Ramadan with Gabriel. During the final year of the Prophet's life, Gabriel revised the Qur'an twice with the Prophet (saws) as a way of confirming it. The Prophet (saws), in turn, used to follow this order in teaching his Companions and communicating the message to them.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Benefits of Reciting Ayat ul kursi

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1. Holy prophet (SAWW) said: whoever recites the first 4 ayaats of Surah Baqarah, then Ayatul Kursi and then the last 3 ayaats of Surah e Baqarah, will not be inflicted with any kind of difficulty in his wealth or himself, Satan will not come near him and he will not forget the Qur'an.
2. Holy Prophet (SAWW) said: Qur'an is a great word, and Surah Baqarah is the leader of the Qur'an and Ayatul Kursi is the leader of Surah Baqarah. In Ayatul Kursi there are 50 words and for each word there are 50 blessings and good in it.
3. One who recites Ayatul Kursi every morning will be in the protection, safety of Allah until the night.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Miracle and Challenge of the Qur'an

"We shall show them Our signs on the horizons and within themselves until it will become clear to them that it is the Truth. Does it not suffice that your Lord is Witness over all things?"
Muslims are taught that throughout the ages, Allah Almighty has sent a prophet to every nation as a warner and a bearer of glad tidings.
"Verily! We have sent you (O Muhammad) with the Truth, a bearer of glad tidings and a warner; and there is not a nation but a warner has passed among them."
Qur'an 35:24.
Each Prophet was wisely selected by Allah in order to be the best person for the job. He was then provided by Allah with miracles as proof of his truthfulness and his message. These miracles were wisely selected by Allah in order to be in the same field as that which these people excelled in so that they could fully comprehend the magnitude of these miracles.
For instance, the people during the time of Moses excelled at magical trickery. Their rulers used to surround themselves with the most powerful of these wizards as a sign of power. This is why Allah made the miracles of Moses (as) similar to their magical trickery (changing a stick into a snake, parting of the sea... etc.) but of a much greater magnitude than anything they could ever hope to accomplish. For they were not tricks, but actual physical miracles.
The people at the time of the Prophet Jesus (as) excelled in matters of medicine. For this reason, his miracles were of a medical nature (raising of the dead, healing of the blind...etc.), but of a degree that they could never hope to imitate. Similarly, one of the major miracles of Islam was a new and unheard-of type of literature similar to the Bedouin's poetry but far beyond anything they could ever hope to match. Although they did indeed try. This new literature was called "The Qur'an."

Friday, May 16, 2014

Significance And Benefits Of Learning Holy Quran

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Holy Quran is a book of Almighty Allah, and there is a difference between this book and the other ordinary books. Quran consists of words of Almighty Allah (SWT), while all the other books are written by humans which are based on the observations of creation of Almighty Allah. All these books deal with a specific topic and subject. Online quran teacher plays a vital role in teaching the Holy Quran to various Muslims. There is no way that any ordinary book can be compared with Holy Quran. This book is full of guidance and knowledge, and it will serve man till the end of time. The basis of true knowledge lies in the Holy Quran. Therefore, every human being must get out of darkness and start to move towards the bright future and limelight.

As Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) once said:
“O people I am leaving behind among you the Holy Book (Quran) and the Sunnah (way of Prophet (SAW)), if you follow these in letter and spirit you will never be strayed.”

(Hakim Al-Mustadrik, Book1 Hadith 318)
Here are the benefits of learning Holy Quran:
  • Reading of Holy Quran is obligatory for a Muslim so reciting this Holy Book fulfills the Islamic Duty.
  • On the Judgment Day, Holy Quran will be a proof for all mankind.
  • Status of a person who recites the Holy Quran will be raised in this life.
  • Holy Quran is a key for satisfaction and peace.
  • Each and every letter of Holy Quran that you recite has certain rewards.
  • Reciters of Holy Quran will be among the company of obedient and noble angels.
Holy Quran will determine your position in Paradise and will take you there.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Intellectual Proofs in the Qur'an

These are different means used in the Qur'an for intellectual thinking and certain proofs, such as:

A - Qur'anic standard
The intellectual criteria and parables set in the Qur'an to reveal the truth, and the ways to know similarity and difference, the Almighty Allah says:
"Shall We then treat the Muslims like the Mujrimoon [criminals, polytheists, disbelievers etc.]? What is the matter with you? How judge you?" [Qur'an, 68:35-36]
B - The standard of the greater reason
This means to confirm a statement or a quality to something on the basis that it is confirmed to its equal, or when there is a greater reason to do that by analogy, as the Qur'an has proved Resurrection in the following verse:
"And he puts forth for Us a parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: "Who will give life to these bones after they are rotten and have become dust?" Say: [O Muhammad] "He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of every creation!" [Qur'an, 36:78-79]
The Qur'an also used the standard of the greater reason as regards the divine qualities. It confirms for Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala all the perfection that is possible for man and deems Him far above any defect confirmed for man. When the polytheists said that the Almighty Allah has daughters when at the same time they hated having daughters, the Qur'an says:
"Have you then considered Al-Lat and Al-`Uzza [two idols of the pagan Arabs]? And Manat [another idol of the pagan Arabs], the other third? Is it fo you the males and for Him the females?" [Qur'an, 53:19-21]
The Qur'an also uses this method to prove the Oneness of Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala. Allah says:
"He sets for you a parable from your own selves: Do you have partners among those whom your right hand posses [i.e. your slaves] to share as equals in the wealth We bestowed on you whom you fear as you fear each other....?" [Qur'an, 30:28]
The man among them would not accept to have his slave as equal partner in his wealth, then how can man accept that the created slave be partner to Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, in godship and in the right of worship?
C - Exigency
Whoever knows that something is necessary for the realisation of another uses the result to prove the thing that is necessary. This is clear in the following Qur'anic verse:
"Were they created by nothing? Or were they themselves the creators?" [Qur'an 52:35]
No one of a good natural disposition can allege that things can happen without an author or by themselves.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Learn how to teach the holy Quran to children >

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Being Muslims, we have responsibility of teaching the holy Quran to our children. Every Muslim must be highly concerned about teaching Quran to kids. Every person in the house is responsible for teachings of a child. 
We have some questions in mind which are supposed to be answered in order to get started.

What is right age to start teaching the holy Quran? and How to give it a start? 
The answer is "the age when the speak their first word". That is approximately two years.It is the age when the babies are trying to speak the words. You speak the Arabic letters befor them. And the will learn from them. You are supposed to do it gradually. Start with the letters, then easy words, the longer words, then two words combined and finally full ayah. Watch the sample video of my nephew learning with me.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How To Benefit From the Quran

Resources to Learn Quran with Tajweed:

Dear Readers, As Salaamu Alaikum

Allah the Most High says:
"Indeed in this there is a remembrance for those who have a living heart, listen attentively and are awake to taking heed." [Qaaf: 37]
Therefore, if you desire to benefit from the Qur'aan,  gather your heart when reciting it,  focus your attention to it and focus as if you are the one being directly addressed by it.  For indeed it is an address from Allah via the path of the Messenger sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam.
This is because gaining complete benefit from the Qur'aan is dependent upon the object providing the benefit, the place by which it is to be received, the conditions related to attaining the benefit and the non existence of anything that may hinder the benefit from occurring. Hence the verse contains an explanation of all of these points, with the shortest and clearest of words, and those that best prove the point.
Thus the saying of Allah:  {Indeed in this there is a remembrance} has an inference to what has preceded the verse from the beginning of Soorah Qaaf up to this verse and this is what is causing the benefit.
Whilst the saying of Allah {who have a living heart} then this refers to the place that receives the benefit and this is the heart that has life and comprehends what Allah has sent, as Allah the Most High says:

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Bible, The Qur'an and Science

In 1976 Bucaille published his book, The Bible, The Qur'an and Science which argued that the Quran contains no statements contradicting established scientific facts.[4] Bucaille argued that the Quran is in agreement with scientific facts, while the Bible is not. He states that in Islam, science and religion have always been “twin sisters” (vii). According to Bucaille, there are monumental errors of science in the Bible and not a single error in the Quran. Bucaille's belief is that the Quran's descriptions of natural phenomena make it compatible with modern science. Bucaille concludes that the Quran is the Word of God.
Bucaille argues that the Old Testament has been distorted because of numerous translations and corrections as it was transmitted orally. He highlights, in his words, “numerous disagreements and repetitions”, in the Old Testament and the Gospels. In his analysis, Bucaille claims he makes use of many propositions of Biblical criticism, such as the documentary hypothesis.