

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Quran sayings: Navigation of teacher, parent and children

How to guide young generation?
It is necessary for the teacher to act according to Islamic norms and must have unconditional faith in Allah and their sayings. They must take noble traits to get an understanding in their mind By the Allah. They must have to follow the path Guided be Allah and offer their activities according to Allah’s sake. The objective of their life is to guide the young Islamic generation to the path of Allah. They do not need to think for the special position or to become rich only dedicated towards their objective with their full efforts. Teachers should have the knowledge of the current affairs and also about hereafter. Their knowledge must be serviceable, and they need to avoid disputable and useless part from the content they have. They need to maintain their body clean and practices themselves for other necessary routine activities as nail clipping.

What to do at teaching?
Teachers should include exceptions, practical examples, diagrams, figures and unchanging rules to make their teaching material more interesting and give assignments to enhance their skills. They should measure the level of students and give special attention by repeating the lesson or any other way and teach students according to their mental level. There is no need to cheat them if they do not know answers of the question raised by the student, just confess in front of them ant teach later after knowing. They should ask to the absent student about the reason and appraise the present students. If the student makes mistakes then place of hurting, forgive them and attract them towards their faults and give confession method to overcome from the mistakes. Teachers guard them against harm and discipline them with their deeds and accounts.

How to test?
Teachers must be treating their student accurately and monitor all the activities and movements this I the major responsibility of the teacher. They should appropriate students before mates and reward hard working students. They must guide the students at the time of selecting and changing the subject and ensure that this should be based on their tendency to lead them in correct direction under the supervision of the teacher. Teachers should not take decisions on the basis of partiality and treat every pupil equally. According to Quran, teachers should not fix the time limit to learn anything by the student but after a specific time period must take the feedback from the student to test their memory. They should not finish the lessons till it is not completely understandable and acceptable by the student. They should not inadequately reduce or raise their voice at the time of teaching. If students are hungry or anger or they are ill then teachers should not teach them because this may become harmful situation for both. Teacher should not discuss the issues which were not suited with age and mind of students and do not force mentally disabled students rather treat them with love and special care and do not test them without teaching.

Are you Hurting Allah via parent?
Parents are the one who brings the child in this beautiful world, and because of them only; children get a chance to meet with this natural world because of their lovely parents. They are the one who take care of their children in whole life world. Prophet says that neglecting parent is the greatest sin in the world. Parent provides nourishment and care to their children. Parents were considered to be the most respectful person in the world. Quran says disobedience of the parent is the disobedience of Allah. If anyone hurts parent then it was considered that he is hurting Allah and the one who hurts Allah was hexed. They give proper environment to their child which brings good growth to their personality. As parent brings a child in the world, so that the child is the reasonability of the parent, it is their duty to provide full comfort and try to fulfill all desires of the child. It is not easy to fulfill all the wishes of a child, but they make efforts and bears pain to fulfill all the desire of a child. Am I able for paradise? Everyone should be faithful to their parents. Being faithful was considered as the greatest imperative act. Quran says that parent must be connected to their children. They must be available in all the need of their children. If parents were connected with their children then they get motivated, and their personality grows in a positive direction which makes them good person. The deed that is most beloved to God is to give respect to the parent. By respecting parent, you can worship to the Allah. One who offer prayer to Allah must give be thankful to their parent then only their prayers are acceptable to the Allah. The one who is unthankful to the parents, but shows honor to the Allah, the Allah does not take their honor and worship because Allah do not like the person who do not respect their parents Everyone must be kind to their parents, this the most easiest and fastest way to make Allah happy. The person who obeys their parent and ensure all the order of Allah, for that person two doors of paradise are open, and that a person can enjoy all the facilities of paradise.

Is it equivalent to worship?
The person who serves for God as well as for parent, gets the highest place on the Day of Judgment, their chances of get paradise was increased. Allah also considers that person who performs Hajj on behalf of their parents. That person gets different position on the Day of Judgment. Quran says that when the person , please parent then Allah consider that person is pleasing to him and when the person is giving trouble to the parent then also Allah consider that the person is giving trouble to him. Quran says that if the person serves good the humanity and shows kindness to the parent then the life span of that person increases and in this way person gets more chances to enjoy life and can serve more for their parents. How can children learn from the prophet’s life? At the time of bed speak the stories of prophet’s life and define the messages of prophet. The messenger told about the diversity found at earth, so if possible then plan to travel the word because there are lots of things to learn from different places available on earth. Children can learn about their languages, about their cultures, their structures, their economy. This kind of travelling helps the children to understand the greatness of Allah he did at the time of creating this universe. Such kind of travelling guides the children to become closer to Allah. Quran says that it is the responsibility of parent to monitor their student that is they are taking initiatives in environmental growth or not. Make possible to get in touch with an old age or orphanage because prophet said that such activities teaches children humanity and gratitude which is helpful during their life spam and makes easy to follow the path of Allah. Children must include reading of Quran in their daily schedule.

Is there any other way to treat?
Children have an important position in Islam. Give maximum time to your children so that you can nourish your child well. Prophet says about children that the person who has children should behave like children to him. It was written in the Quran to not hit children when they cry because their crying means a lot, in first four months when the children cries it means that the child is announcing the unity of Allah, in second four months the crying means the blessing of Prophet, the next four months crying means that baby is praying to Allah for parents. Always show love and affection to your child. Kiss your child maximum time because for a kiss you can get high rank in paradise and achieving this rank is not easy. It takes 600 years to achieve high position in divine but by kissing the child you can earn this position. Teach Islam to your child to bring growth in character and personality of the individual. Try to avoid giving too much order to your children because this can lead them to wrong. Do not avoid their mistakes, instead of scolding them on their mistake; try to tell them their mistakes and the ways that they can handle that mistake. If children makes a mistake then tell them in more pleasant way. Give respect to children work and feeling then only they will learn to give respect to others. Do not avoid their emotion that can make the child under confidence. If parents are not able to fulfill the desire of the child them sometime child adopt wrong way to fulfill their desire and this adds negative flavor to the child personality. Qurans say for preventing child to go wrong path, the parent can shower their love and affection, which will bring the child on the right way. If anyone make a promise to the child then try to fulfill it because promise were taken as a sign of faith in Quran, so breaking faith is like breaking Allah’s rule and saying. Quran say that growing children should be given more attention because at the growing age they do not know what is wrong and right, what they find interesting they want to do. And sometime this curiosity leads them to the wrong way. To deal out with these problems elder should pay great attention towards the children and take record from the children, mention them what is wrong and right for them. In case of children, mother responsibility increases high. They have to pay attention in cleanliness of the child.