

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Qur’an is the most important book for the entire mankind

As Salaamu Alaikum! 
The Qur’aan is the Book of Allah Subhaanahu wa ta‘aalaa. Every word in the Qur’aan has come from Allah. It is the most truthful speech: The Holy Qur’aan contains Allah’s message to all people. It tells people how to act correctly. It guides us to a correct way of life in this world. The Book of Allah also talks about life after death. It tells us that Allah has prepared Paradise for good people and Hell for bad people. The Qur’aan encourages the worship of only one God Who creates and provides for them. The Book forbids people from evil and condemns those who do wrong. It contains stories of the past Prophets and the examples of bad and good people. People are advised in the Qur’aan to be good to others and respect them. It teaches people to live in peace and harmony. Hence, we can say that the Holy Qur’an is the most important book for the entire mankind.

The Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) said:

1) The best of you is he who learns the Holy Quran and teaches it to others. (Bukhari)

2) Undoubtedly, the heart gets rusted like metal gets rusted when water goes over it. The people asked, “How can they [the hearts] be cleaned?” The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) replied, “To remember death in abundance and to recite the Holy Quran.” (Mishkat)

3) That chest which does not have any Holy Quran in it is like an abandoned house. (Tirmizi, Darmi)

4) Whoever read the Holy Quran and memorized it and believed its Halal (permitted) to be Halal and its Haram (prohibited) to be Haram, Allah will accept his intercession for 10 such people for whom hell had become Wajib (compulsory). (Tirmizi, Ibn-e-Majah)

5) Whoever is an expert in reciting the Holy Quran (his reward) is (recorded) with the Kiraman Katebeen (the recording angels). And whoever reads the Quran with pauses and it is difficult for him, that is, his tongue does not move easily and he recites with difficulty, for him there is double the reward. (Saheeh Bukhari)

6) On the day of Judgement, the one who has memorized Quran will be told to read and ascend and recite with Tarteel (clear and distinct recitation) like you used to read with Tarteel in the world; your place will be where you read your last Ayah. (Tirmidhi, Sunan Abu Dawood)

7) Says Allah, “Whoever was kept busy with the [recitation] of Quran from my Zikr and asking me, I will give him better than what I give to those who ask and the excellence of the Word of Allah over all the other words is like the excellence of Allah over all his creation.

8) Learn the Quran and read it because whoever learned the Quran and read it and did Qiyam (stood in prayer) with it is like a bag filled with Musk whose fragrance is spread everywhere and whoever learned the Quran and slept that is he did not perform Qiyamul Layl (the night prayer) is like a bag which is filled with Musk and its mouth has been closed. (Tirmizi, Ibn-e-Majah, Nisaee)

9) Decorate the Quran with your (good) voices. (Mishkat)

10) O People of the Quran, do not make the Quran a pillow, that is do not be lazy and careless, and read the Quran in the day and night – as it is its right of Recitation, and spread it, that is, read with good voices or do not take compensation for it, and whatever is in it, reflect upon it – so that you may attain success, and do not hurry in its reward because the reward for it is great (which will be given in Akhirah). (Baihiqi)

With Best Wishes