

Monday, August 13, 2012

Selected quotes from the Quran

1.    2:177. Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves; and they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat); and they keep their word whenever they make a promise; and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. These are the truthful; these are the righteous.
2.    2:197. Hajj shall be observed in the specified months. Whoever sets out to observe Hajj shall refrain from sexual intercourse, misconduct, and arguments throughout Hajj. Whatever good you do, GOD is fully aware thereof. As you prepare your provisions for the journey, the best provision is righteousness. You shall observe Me, O you who possess intelligence.
3.    2:219. They ask you about intoxicants and gambling: say, "In them there is a gross sin, and some benefits for the people. But their sinfulness far outweighs their benefit." They also ask you what to give to charity: say, "The excess." GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect.
2:220. upon this life and the Hereafter. And they ask you about the orphans: say, "Bringing them up as righteous persons is the best you can do for them. If you mix their property with yours, you shall treat them as family members." GOD knows the righteous and the wicked. Had GOD willed, He could have imposed harsher rules upon you. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
4.    3:109. To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth, and all matters are controlled by GOD.
3:110. You are the best community ever raised among the people: you advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and you believe in GOD. If the followers of the scripture believed, it would be better for them. Some of them do believe, but the majority of them are wicked.

5.    4:2.You shall hand over to the orphans their rightful properties. Do not substitute the bad for the good, and do not consume their properties by combining them with yours. This would be a gross injustice.
4:3.If you deem it best for the orphans, you may marry their mothers- you may marry two, three, or four. If you fear lest you become unfair, then you shall be content with only one, or with what you already have. Additionally, you are thus more likely to avoid financial hardship.
6.    4:11. GOD decrees a will for the benefit of your children; the male gets twice the share of the female. If the inheritors are only women, more than two, they get two-thirds of what is bequeathed. If only one daughter is left, she gets one-half. The parents of the deceased get one-sixth of the inheritance each, if the deceased has left any children. If he left no children, and his parents are the only inheritors, the mother gets one-third. If he has siblings, then the mother gets one-sixth. All this, after fulfilling any will the deceased has left, and after paying off all debts. When it comes to your parents and your children, you do not know which of them is really the best to you and the most beneficial. This is GOD's law. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
7.    4:58. GOD commands you to give back anything the people have entrusted to you. If you judge among the people, you shall judge equitably. The best enlightenment indeed is what GOD recommends for you. GOD is Hearer, Seer.
8. 4:59. O you who believe, you shall obey GOD, and you shall obey the messenger, and those in charge among you. If you dispute in any matter, you shall refer it to GOD and the messenger, if you do believe in GOD and the Last Day. This is better for you, and provides you with the best solution.
9.    4:69. Those who obey GOD and the messenger belong with those blessed by GOD-the prophets, the saints, the martyrs, and the righteous. These are the best company.
10.4:128. If a woman senses oppression or desertion from her husband, the couple shall try to reconcile their differences, for conciliation is best for them. Selfishness is a human trait, and if you do good and lead a righteous life, GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
11.6:124. When a powerful proof comes to them, they say, "We will not believe, unless we are given what is given to GOD's messengers!" GOD knows exactly who is best qualified to deliver His message. Such criminals will suffer debasement at GOD, and terrible retribution as a consequence of their evil scheming.
12.6:133. Your Lord is the Rich One; possessor of all mercy. If He wills, He can remove you, and substitute whomever He wills in your place, just as He produced you from the progeny of other people.
6:134. What is promised to you will come to pass, and you can never evade it.
6:135. Say, "O my people, do your best, and so will I. You will surely find out who the ultimate victors are." Certainly, the wicked will never succeed.
13.16:125. You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.
14.17:53. Tell My servants to treat each other in the best possible manner, for the devil will always try to drive a wedge among them. Surely, the devil is man's most ardent enemy.
17:54. Your Lord knows you best. According to His knowledge, He may shower you with mercy, or He may requite you. We did not send you to be their advocate.
17:55. Your Lord is the best knower of everyone in the heavens and the earth. In accordance with this knowledge, we preferred some prophets over others. For example, we gave David the Psalms.
15.17:82. We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors.
17:83. When we bless the human being, he becomes preoccupied and heedless. But when adversity strikes him, he turns despondent.
17:84. Say, "Everyone works in accordance with his belief, and your Lord knows best which ones are guided in the right path."
16.28:22. As he traveled towards Midyan, he said, "May my Lord guide me in the right path."
28:23. When he reached Midyan's water, he found a crowd of people watering, and noticed two women waiting on the side. He said, "What is it that you need?" They said, "We are not able to water, until the crowd disperses, and our father is an old man."
28:24. He watered for them, then turned to the shade, saying, "My Lord, whatever provision you send to me, I am in dire need for it."
28:25. Soon, one of the two women approached him, shyly, and said, "My father invites you to pay you for watering for us." When he met him, and told him his story, he said, "Have no fear. You have been saved from the oppressive people."
28:26. One of the two women said, "O my father, hire him. He is the best one to hire, for he is strong and honest."
17.30:8. Why do they not reflect on themselves? GOD did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except for a specific purpose, and for a specific life span. However, most people, with regard to meeting their Lord, are disbelievers.
18.30:33. When adversity afflicts the people, they turn to their Lord, totally devoting themselves to Him. But then, as soon as He showers them with mercy, some of them revert to idol worship.
30:34. Let them be unappreciative of what we have given them. Enjoy temporarily; you will surely find out.
30:35. Have we given them authorization that justifies their idolatry?
19. 30:59. GOD thus seals the hearts of those who do not know.
30:60. Therefore, you shall steadfastly persevere- for GOD's promise is the truth- and do not be intimidated by those who have not attained certainty.
20.31:31. Do you not see that the ships roam the sea, carrying GOD's provisions, to show you some of His proofs? Indeed, these should be sufficient proofs for everyone who is steadfast, appreciative.
21.31:35. The submitting men, the submitting women, the believing men, the believing women, the obedient men, the obedient women, the truthful men, the truthful women, the steadfast men, the steadfast women, the reverent men, the reverent women, the charitable men, the charitable women, the fasting men, the fasting women, the chaste men, the chaste women, and the men who commemorate GOD frequently, and the commemorating women; GOD has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense.
22.34:19. But they (turned unappreciative and) challenged: "Our Lord, we do not care if You increase the distance of our journeys (without any stations)." They thus wronged their own souls. Consequently, we made them history, and scattered them into small communities throughout the land. This should provide lessons for those who are steadfast, appreciative.
23.40:77. You shall be patient, for GOD's promise is truth. Whether we show you some of (the retribution) we have promised for them, or terminate your life before that, they will be returned to us.
24.41:33. Who can utter better words than one who invites to GOD, works righteousness, and says, "I am one of the submitters"?
41:34. Not equal is the good response and the bad response. You shall resort to the nicest possible response. Thus, the one who used to be your enemy, may become your best friend.
41:35. None can attain this except those who steadfastly persevere. None can attain this except those who are extremely fortunate.
25.61:10. O you who believe, let Me inform you of a trade that will save you from painful retribution.
61:11. Believe in GOD and His messenger and strive in the cause of GOD with your money and your lives. This is the best deal for you, if you only knew.
61:12. In return, He forgives your sins, and admits you into gardens with flowing streams, with beautiful mansions in the gardens of Eden. This is the greatest triumph.
26.63:8. They say, "If we go back to the city, the powerful therein will evict the weak (and we will be victimized)." (They should know that) all dignity belongs to GOD and His messenger, and the believers. However, the hypocrites do not know.
27.64:11. Nothing happens to you except in accordance with GOD's will. Anyone who believes in GOD, He will guide his heart. GOD is fully aware of all things.
28.64:13. GOD: there is no other god besides Him. In GOD the believers shall trust.
29.66:11. And GOD cites as an example of those who believed the wife of Pharaoh. She said, "My Lord, build a home for me at You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his works; save me from the transgressing people."
30.67:1. Most exalted is the One in whose hands is all kingship, and He is Omnipotent.
67:2. The One who created death and life for the purpose of distinguishing those among you who would do better. He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.
31.70:40. I solemnly swear by the Lord of the easts and the wests; we are able-
70:41. to substitute better people in your place; we can never be defeated.
70:42. Therefore, let them blunder and play, until they meet the day that is awaiting them.
32.72:19. When GOD's servant advocated Him alone, almost all of them banded together to oppose him.
72:20. Say, "I worship only my Lord; I never set up any idols beside Him."
72:21. Say, "I possess no power to harm you, nor to guide you."
72:22. Say, "No one can protect me from GOD, nor can I find any other refuge beside Him.
72:23. "I deliver GOD's proclamations and messages." Those who disobey GOD and His messenger incur the fire of Hell, wherein they abide forever.