

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Misprinted Qurans Caused A Political Crisis.

The Quran is the exact word of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'aala, So you can leave out a paragraph or alter words printing it. what happened in Kuwait in 1999 is that 120,000 copies of the holy Quran were printed and distributed  internationally. And this happened with the state-issued copies of the holy book in Kuwait. The minister for justice and Islamic affairs was accused of “trying to disfigure the faith of Muslims”. As a result, the entire Kuwaiti parliament was dissolved. Members of the opposition claimed the misprints were created intentionally to provide an excuse for parliament to be broken up and a new election called.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Miracle Baby.

Russian Republic of Dagestan: In 2009, Muslims see that verses on the Quran were appearing spontaneously on the skin of Ali Yakubov, a nine-month-old boy. Thousands visited his home to witness the miracle. Skeptics were keen to point out that this may be child abuse but with wider implications.

Ali’s father is a policeman in a Muslim region. Ali's mom said: “Allah is great and he sent me my miracle child to keep our people safe.”

This baby has left doctors baffled in Russia. The ayaat of the holy Quran appear on nine-month-old Ali Yakubov's back, arms, legs and stomach, before fading away and being replaced with new sayings.

Ali's parents were left stunned when the word Allah appeared on Ali Yakubov's chin soon after his birth. Since then scores of writings in the Arabic script have appeared almost all over his body. Medics have denied that the marks are from someone writing on the child's skin. The kid's mother, Madina Yakubov, said that she and her husband were not religious until the words started appearing on his skin. The baby boy's mother said: "Normally those signs appear twice a week - on Mondays and on the nights between Thursdays and Fridays. "Ali always feels bad when it is happening. He cries and his temperature goes up.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The World’s Biggest Hand written Quran

India: In 2008, Sayeed Najmul Hasan Chishti from India took the world record for writing the largest handwritten Quran. Then in 2009, the record was being eyed by a teenager writing for 12 hours a day to produce a Quran 3,000 meters (about 1,000 ft) long. If she finished, no one noticed because the world record was taken in 2011 by a Quran in Russia. Weighing 1,763 pounds, this massive book was encrusted in gold and silver and a smattering of precious stones.
After all that effort, it probably hurt when the new world’s largest Quran was unveiled in Afghanistan a couple of months later. Clearly, the quest to have the world’s largest is hard-fought, and a lot of people are putting a lot of effort into claiming it (someone should probably tell them about the 18-meter (60 ft) Quran that is part of a building in South Sumatra). There are a lot of large Qurans, is what we’re saying.
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